Long-Term Planning

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An Often Overlooked but Highly Valuable Aspect of Estate Planning

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Using the Often Overlooked Roth IRA

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How Many Millions Do You Really Need to Retire?

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Frequently Made Retirement and Estate Planning Mistakes

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Should Your Financial Plans Include Part-Time Work in "Retirement"?

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Treat Me, Not My Age: A Doctor's Guide to Getting the Best Care as You or a Loved One Gets Older

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Addressing Some Common Retirement Concerns You May Have

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Money Management Tips to Help You Stop Fighting and Start Uniting

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Understanding and Planning Around Penalties for Early Retirement Account Withdrawals

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Should You Max Out on Your Retirement Account Contributions?

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College (and its High Price Tag) Isn’t Right for Every Student and Family

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Planning Ahead for the High Cost of a College Education

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Understanding the Retirement Account Everyone is Forced to Have

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How to Handle Estate Planning for the Two Trickiest Assets

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How Much Should You be Saving for Retirement?

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Best Ways to Save and Pay for College?

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Is Your Professional Decline Coming (Much) Sooner Than You Think?

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Getting Your Career and Finances on the Best Track

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Growing Older Together: Caring for Your Aging Parents

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Assessing the New Landscape of Small Business Retirement Plans

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Dealing With Family Elder Care, Caregiver Agreements and Related Financial Issues

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Private Banks and Investment Firms Expand Offerings

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Estate Planning Later in Retirement

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Debunking the Myths of Income Investing for Retirement

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Update: A Revealing Look at How Spending Really Changes in Retirement

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Minimizing Your Tax Burden as You Approach and are in Retirement

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Saving and Paying for the Increasingly High Cost of a College Education

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Are You Really Ready for Divorce?

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Handling Mortgage Decisions with Primary and Vacation Homes

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Contemplating a Nursing Home for A Loved One (or Yourself)

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Managing and Planning for Your Retirement Medical Costs

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The Higher Education Cost Bubble and Federal Student Aid

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The Most Important Investment for a Young Adult

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